Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hey, ill put my new shoes on.

Yet another pair of ridiculously cheap shoes. :) How cheap you ask? $1.00! I seem to have (thankfully) inherited the thrifty-and-too-cheap-to-pay-full-price gene. Thanks mom!

Id also like to brag a bit about my new phone/baby. Our plan expired Friday so of course
we got to upgrade and my mom was amazing and bought me a really great phone call the Samsung u740 Alias since id been busting my butt spring cleaning around here. The thing is, i am super paranoid of breaking the thing. I think im going to go back and put insurence on it. Its
only six bucks a month and considering my phone retails at around 250 (don't worry, I payed
only about $75 for it and the bonus package) It could potentially save me a lot of money.

OH! I also got some great deals at Shopko. Can you say "90% off?" Its a beautiful thing.
Im too lazy to take a good pic of them but I got a nice lightweight short sleeve grey short neck turtleneck ($1.60!), a nice pair of darkwash wide leg jeans that I still need to hem. ($7.50!) Oh, and some yello chick Peeps! ($99cents :)

I also want to explain why Ive always only got one pic and when theres more they are all
grouped together. See, blogger hates me and if I try to post more it delete what ive typed/uploaded so ive given up and just group everything together.
If anyones got any tips on how to deal with this, please share.

P.S. When you too upgrade your phones, please donate your old ones to


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