Monday, February 11, 2008

Bye bye average heels.

Cutout ones are apparently in. I can't imagine them being the easiest to walk in but I don't find heels in general easy to walk in. the last time I wore them I was 8 and I was a flower girl in a wedding. I could strut my stuff with the best of them then but Ive lost my heel walking talent. Anyhow, back to the fashion part and not my flashbacks.

The first pair I found on Wendy Brandes blog which I kind of stalk for its amazing, check it out. I instantly fell in love with these shoes even though the whole awkward cutout heel kind of throws me off but they are beautiful aren't they? They are United Nude and thats about all I know about them. If anyone knows more let me know and ill update this part. Or if you want to be super and mail me a fabulous pair, let me know. :P

The second pair I found on this site The Metropolitan Museum of Arts website. Go there to read the full description because Id really rather not right now. I do love however how theres really no heel. How they almost defeated the laws of shoe. I wonder how well you could walk in those...

(don't you just love those hearts?)


Anonymous said...

Those are super cool!

Stararah said...

I think I could (possibly) handle the first ones. Maybe they'd be feel like wedges?
The second ones though... I wouldn't even be able to stand up.
They're neat, though.

Anonymous said...

Are the second ones actually made to walk in, or just as a piece of art?

I added your link. :)

Wendy said...

The second pair looks really really painful to walk in!